My German blog translated

Since I’m pretty busy with my plants and I don’t find the time to update this English blog regularly, I’d like to note that you can also read my German blog here. If you don’t understand a single word of German, no worries, have a look here:

German blog translated to English by Google

Google does a good job! 🙂

Impatiens columbaria

Impatiens columbaria

Impatiens columbaria





Impatiens columbaria – the “Pink Dove” impatiens – is a newly discovered plant from the rain forest of Gabun, West Africa. This unusual species is a very untypical impatiens. With its rounded, hairy leaves it looks like a member of the family of Gesneriaceae. It has numerous blossoms and the flowers are exotic pink. A fascinating species that’s extremely rare and I’m happy to have it in my collection.

Lonicera hildebrandiana – Honeysuckle






Honeysuckles, as they are also called, are arching shrubs or twining vines in the family Caprifoliaceae, with up to 180 species. This one is a Lonicera hildebrandiana and was discovered and documented in 1890 by Henry Collett and William Botting Hemsley.

The sweetly-scented, cone-shaped flowers are yellow-white and borne in clusters. My 30cm small plant has already blossomed.

Lonicera hildebrandiana originates from China, Myanmar and Thailand. The plant likes sun or light shade and can bear with temperatures slightly below 0º C. It grows on sandy/stoney loam earth and likes fresh and humid substrates.

Meconopsis betonicifolia – Blue Poppy




Meconopsis, nicknamed Blue Poppy (although it is not really a poppy, only poppy-like), is a genus of flowering plants in the family Papaveraceae and the national flower of Bhutan. There are over 50 species and they can be found in the Himalaya. This was my first attempt and it will be interesting to see if they germinate again next year, as they are known to be difficult to grow from seed.