Impatiens columbaria

Impatiens columbaria

Impatiens columbaria





Impatiens columbaria – the “Pink Dove” impatiens – is a newly discovered plant from the rain forest of Gabun, West Africa. This unusual species is a very untypical impatiens. With its rounded, hairy leaves it looks like a member of the family of Gesneriaceae. It has numerous blossoms and the flowers are exotic pink. A fascinating species that’s extremely rare and I’m happy to have it in my collection.

Hibiscadelphus distans – germination

Hi everybody,

Welcome to my blog of rare, stunning and beautiful plants. This is my first post and I’m looking forward to sharing my fine collection of plants with you!

Here is a pic of a very rare and endangered species from Hawaii with a long and tedious germination. That’s why it makes me sooo happy seeing the first leaves come out to see the light of day!

Hibiscadelphus distans